Homeopathy for acne does it work
The medical industry has advanced a lot over the last few years. Just in 2020, significant breakthroughs were made in the world of medicine – editing of human genetic code, treatment of heart disease, preventive techniques to targeted oncology therapies, and more.
A lot of this success is because of the technological advances we have made. Thanks to them, many people’s lives were not just saved, but humans’ average lifespan has been elongated. Since everyone is trying to be healthy these days, many people are trying not to take traditional medication but turn towards the form of treatment called homeopathy, and the big question is if it works.
What is homeopathy?
Developed in the late 18th century by German doctor Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy is a form of treatment whose central principle is that “like cures like,” meaning that a substance that brings symptoms should, in a minimal dosage, treat an illness with similar symptoms. The therapy’s main goal is to help stimulate the body’s immune system, thus supporting it to heal itself. Another principle of homeopathic treatment is called “succussion”, which means diluting and shaking the substance to a minimum dose that will be therapeutic. It’s believed that the more diluted the substance gets in this way, the more powerful it is to treat symptoms. The treatment in homeopathy is very individualized, depending on several factors like a person’s medical and lifestyle history, specific symptoms, and body parameters. It means that two people can receive different treatments for the same illness.
What is it being used to treat?
Homeopathy is used for a large variety of health problems. It helps treat allergies and asthma, in which a remedy is picked depending on the symptoms the person is experiencing. The treatments calm the symptoms in acute stages of the allergy, but they will not cure it. Homeopathy also helps chronic pains such as aching muscles, swollen or stiff muscles or joints, arthritis, back pain. This method of treatment also offers solutions to anxiety and depression. Professional homeopathy helps by understanding psychological and physical reasons for the patient’s symptoms and creating individualized remedies. The results are said to be long-term and safe; some claim more potent than conventional treatment. Homeopathy is used for PMS, menopause, migraines, toothaches, colds, and acne. Do not use homeopathic medicine for life-threatening diseases or conditions such as cancer, heart disease, or asthma as they need actual medication.
What are the remedies?
Acne Vulgaris has various homeopathic remedies that are useful against it. Among primary remedies, we can mention Pulsatilla, Silicea, and Sulphur iodatum. Pulsatilla is a remedy that can be helpful if the cause of acne is the consumption of rich or fatty foods. It is also suitable for a person around the time of puberty. If a person has deep-seated acne, a natural low immune resistance, swollen lymph nodes or nervousness, Silicea will be a good choice for remedy.
Sulfur iodatum assists acne located on the back and the forehead, intensified by heat and appearing periodically. Next to these, we can mention some other remedies that can benefit acne. Antimonium tartaricum may be useful for acne that is painful to touch and has large pustules. Calcarea carbonica helps common pimples for overweight, easily tired, and anxious patients when overworked. Finally, it’s essential to remember that neither remedy is universal, and each one is for the patient’s specific condition.Does it work?
Extensive research of homeopathy’s effectiveness has been done to the present day. Results are very mixed, and some studies display that its remedies are practical, while others don’t agree. Critics of homeopathy connect the successful treatment to the placebo effect, which means that the symptoms improve because a person believes that the medicine is working, not because it actually does. This false belief can activate the brain to release chemicals that shortly relieve the pain or alternative symptoms. Doctors are split since some of the theories of homeopathy don’t follow physics and chemistry principles. Scientists argue that a remedy without an active element shouldn’t have an effect on the body. The problem is that there is no good-quality evidence to prove that homeopathy is efficient as a treatment for any health condition. When it comes to acne, most cases can be resolved simply through hygiene and nutrition. If the problem is bigger, homeopathic medicines may be helpful, but it is always better to discuss any new treatment with your healthcare practitioner.